Tuesday, August 25, 2009

got a show and you should come.
its part of the educated consumers tour if it hits your city you should go

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

British Hip Hop

When it comes to music there is no powerhouse country like England, they have given us such great acts like the Beatles, Elton John, The Rolling Stones, and Pink Floyd; it has even been argued they they are responsible for the birth of punk. However there has been one music where they have fallen short. Hip Hop. Now England has been known for producing great bands that have taken the soul sound and brought it to new levels of recognition. I recently came across a video that documents the emerging British hip hop scene (mostly if not all from London) and I noticed that the same thing was happening; they were taking something that Americans had started and copying it. Up until the last part of the movie I noticed there was a cookie cutter American flavor to their hip hop scene, everything was the same as in New York even the accents while rapping. I was begging to lose hope and respect until the 24 minute mark in the film where a rapper by the name of Bionic from the London Posse starts to explain his style. He says " I use my cockney accent I don't rap in an American accent, that's whats keeping English people back." I started to think about how English rap has progressed since and if it even has at all. Of course most people by now know of Dizzy Rascal, the English born sensation that has adapted the jungle and drum and bass sounds of English electro and used it to excel in what is known today as grime. Another scene that has been emerging out of the north of England is a music called Donk which seems distinctly English with very little hip hop influence. I myself am a hip hop purist, and being from the east coast ........ of America, I like a certain degree of lyrical content. You won't find that in donk music but the energy cannot be denied. But that's just my opinion you make up your own.

London Posse - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8RknnkmEpE

Donk Music - http://www.vbs.tv/watch/music-world/donk

Dizzy Rascal - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZGvnI37mxk

music now - mos def - pistola

Monday, August 17, 2009


My name is Lou Tully and I'm hereby humbly submitting myself as a cumulonimbulanimous member of these cloud gangs. I've gathered that this is for the reportage of generally cool and inexplicable things so mindfuckingly awesome as to leave one's mind fucked and critically awestruck. As a resident of Richmond, VA I often find myself in the midst of unique happenins but it's rare that I come across something so rad that I might say it borders on a spiritual experience. This happened to me when i discovered an artist by the name of GULL. This guy plays drums and guitar at the same time while donning a Dia de Los Muertos inspired skull-face hockey mask with a built in vocoder tricked out with heavy reverb with which he sings and makes weird guttural noises. I cannot describe to you how excellent this guy is nor does the posted video really do him any justice. It ain't a gimmick and it's gotta be seen live and in the flesh and I highly recommend that anyone that finds themselves in the Richmond area check every flier until they see this dude's name on it. I most recently saw him at a duckpin bowling alley on the southside of town called Plaza Bowl that generously hosts local bands and offers more flashing colored lights than that seizure-inducing Japanese cartoon scare in the nineties. GULL killed. Be aware and beware. tully out.

Music Now - Rancid - Bad Moon Rising (CCR Cover)

Eminem and Asher Roth

I recently stumbled across two freestyle sessions from the Tim Westwood radio show in London. One with Asher Roth the other with Eminem. Personally I think Eminem ripped it, but was it written? Probably. The other with Asher seems like a straight freestyle and prolly not one if his better showings. Oh and Tim put Asher out there just look at the beat choices he makes for Roth.

Who is better? (em might take it on the pic alone. gotta love the alf tee.)

Music Now - Monkey Man - Toots and the Maytals

First Post

Welcome all. This is my first blog, my maiden voyage, my cherry is popped and I'm bleeding from my proverbial vagina with stuff to share with the world. I guess I just want to share my music, my sights, my thoughts with the world. Good and bad, beautiful and ugly, weird and abnormally normal. I'm 24, white and work for the devils own Mexican Restaurant Uncle Juilos Rio Grande. It is a corporate restaurant which means everything is run by the book and to a T. No room for individuality which I guess is the reason I started the blog. I felt like I was losing my identity I mean for fucks sake they said I couldn't wear a certain tie because it didn't fit with what the compay was going for. Which I guess is tacky and tasteless. Enough bitching. Been riding my bike alone throughout the dmv and have seen some shit. I randomly rode through a salsa (the dance) festival at freedom plaza, it looked to be an unsanction event. The entire scene was beautiful. It was right at sunset with people of all ages, races and skill level having a blast. The music was cranking, everyone wore a smile on their face, little children were dancing while there parents found a time to excape from all of lifes troubles and find eachother. It put a huge smile on my face and I rode on.

Music Now - Black Lips - Body Comba